There is no quick way at the moment because Zoho doesn’t support Woocommerce yet. Since I’m onboard, I sort of have a personal goal to reestablish Nasty e-commerce and it should start with Malaysia market and then the worldwide market.
The web is now live and running – you can visit it here.
Before I join, Nasty do have its own e-commerce platform but there is no stability in terms of decision and platform. As such, the platform keep changing. From Woocommerce, Shopify and custom-built e-commerce (which I believe doesn’t right in the first place). There are many established platform and custom-built ecommerce is not one of them – unless there is a specific reason to do so, then why not.
So what happens?
I’ve decided to stop using the custom built e-commerce (which already went live) and pursue to continue developing the e-commerce using Woocommerce because my familiarity with the platform and experience with Make – should any automation require, I could spent some time to work on that.
Can’t I just use custom built e-commmerce since it’s already there?
Automation is not part of the early scope of the project – hence asking automation and integration will cost more. Meaning Nasty need to spend more which something I do not want because I am confident with Woocommerce and Make, I can pretty much automate many things.
One of the key requirements from finance is for each order, regardless which channel, salesorder need to be created which in the past, using the custom built-ecommerce, there is no way to do that except further development and cost require.
The first stumble block is there is no readily available connection with Zoho so Make come to the rescue. It took some time for me to perfected the integration and it is working well and live right now.
There are two scenarios – B2C orders and B2B orders. The differences is their pricing.
Few things to keep in mind while doing this:
- Contact must be available in Zoho
- SKU from Woocommerce must match ZKU in Zoho
- SKU pricing must match
- If there is any discount on Woocommerce, this need to be push as well, otherwise your SO won’t actually reflect the total order from Woocommerce
- Warehouse need to be accurate so stock count is accurate
- Each SO require salesperson, so need to identify who is going to be the fix salesperson. Since they are two price role, B2B and B2C, I’ll be the salesperson for B2C and my colleague for B2B. This way we can properly track the sales.
- Approve SO
- Create payment and ensure payment is equal to total order
- Approve payment
- Get AWB from Ninjavan.
Probably there are few others requirement that I forget – but roughly that is the way it is.
Earlier Failure
Oh God.
It work well in the beginning but then we started to run the campaign with some promo and discount code and that went haywire. Countless times scenario stopped due to errors – hundreds of broken SO being generated.
Because I did not factor in the coupon code 😂 It was bad and I feel bad for finance folks waking up to thousands of broken SO
That’s the beauty isn’t it? Never say never. Never die spirit or whatever terms that might be.
I think I spent close to probably 40-50 hours since developing the scenario and so far, it has cater many scenarios that I could even think.
I’m happy man!
What does it look like now?
A sporadic flower robot if I may share.
Just look at the beauty below.

The branch split is due to B2C and B2B which were split with user role : customer and agents.

For now, we no longer have failure and I spent less and less time troubleshoothing this.
Finance is happy, I’m happy to get the job done.

This is pretty much the data that being sent:
- Product with correct SKU and their correct quantity
- Shipping charges
- Discount – if any
- Total in SO equal to total in Woocommerce
- Transaction ID from Payment Gateway – Billplz in this case
- Reference to be cross-check with the store
So that’s pretty much about it.
I just discovered there is scenario from Zapier that can do this – I wish I know it sooner but this “exercise” serve me well. I guess I have better understanding of the aggregators, some text processing and few others.
Has been awhile having this difficulties but tough time create good men!
Well, if you need any help with automation, do not hesitate to let me know – perhaps I could help you with few things aye?